Kobe Bryant is considered to be the best basketball in the world or the 2nd best depending on who you ask. Each year Kobe has his team has a favorite to win the championship and has won 4 rings. Kobe is considered to be the must clutch player in basketball. He has won more games then anyone in the league right now and is always taking over in the 4th quarter when his team needs him. He uses his large size at guard to control the game and amazing shooting form.
Kobe Bryant will finish the season around a little bitter then average in scoring. assists, rebounds.
Kobe bryant is a very good basket ball player. He has been with a team that had won four championships. I stop short of calling his the "BEST" in the world for many reasons. Basketball is played all over the world, games in other parts of the world are not shown in the US, so how can it be said that he is the best if we do not have the opportunity to judge from the rest around the world? Secondly he has won three of the four championships playing with one of the most dominant players of all time in the US "Shaq", the other championship with very good players who were leaders on separate teams and brought together to help win the championship. Kobe plays along side many very good players, so to consider him the "Best" on the basis of winning championship will be wrong. Well the question is, what is the criterion or yard stick for determining the "Best"? Kobe is very lucky he is love by the media. There are many other good players who go against the odds and are great but are not the media golden boy, little or nothing is said about them. Like: Allen Iverson, Tim Dungan, Grant Hill, Steve Nash and Lebron James.