Vitamin Water is the newest sports drink out. It doesn't have salt and less calories then gatorade and powerade. Its mostly water with added vitamins you need for sports. It also has electrolytes that are need in sports to help refill the athlete. Vitamin Water now has 15 different flavors for a taste for everyone and each drink has different special vitamins you need in your life.
Huge fan right here! I love vitiman water and I esp. love it when I'm working out. My favorite is the Dragonfruit and I also enjoy the XXX- Which is interestering that the rapper 50 cent is the funder for that specific flavor. You may need to check the accuracy but I've heard it from many people. I love the advances in the mineral drinks becuase I have been a calorie counter of drinks these days and I always look for a great tasting- minimal calorie drink. But as everything else, they just keep coming out with new drinks so its hard to keep up. However the Vitamin Water has been consitantly one of my favorites for a while now.
ReplyDeleteI agree with our post in that Vitamin Water has fewer calories than Powerade and Gatorade however I disagree with the benefits of Vitamin Water. The use of technology in the food industry has allowed scientist to create foods that are seemingly healthy; it has allowed any food to be considered or called “healthy” because they add vitamins or are lower in calories, sugar and fat. With sponsors such as the rapper 50 Cent, one is more compelled to buy the product. As a society we are obsessed with Weight Loss, Low-Calorie and Low Fat products, it’s a multimillion dollar business. If one looks closely at the ingredients one is getting genetically altered products. Let’s take for example the Kiwi-Strawberry flavor, this vitamin water has “natural flavors- "which could be anything from sugar to MSG", crystallized fructose which some consider it to be liquid cotton candy, less than 1% water; each bottle has 2.5 servings; if you calculate the sugar per the bottle you’re drinking in 32.5 grams of sugar per bottle, and it has more of a chemical aftertaste! In order for the body to assimilate vitamins and minerals it needs to be attached to a whole food (in this case fruit) so that the body can absorb the vitamins. Although technology has allowed for much advancement, I think that once we start ingesting altered foods our body starts pushing back and we start gaining weight and storing toxins. When I work out, I prefer natural water and if I need energy I’ll grab a banana for potassium. The more natural we keep our drinks and fruit, the better the benefit for our body.
Vitamin Water is totally an awesome drink, and I actually do think it has something to do with today’s society, science, art. For society, it’s a click, everyone is drawn to a new thing, tom cruise drinks vitamin water, now it’s totally cool. The science end of it is the methods inside the water what makes that water healthy for people and why does it have that color, but for the art portion I feel the way the bottle and label looks is the artist’s touch
ReplyDeleteI've never actually tried to drink Vitamin water before, since I consider a glass or bottle of water to be just fine. Then again I kind of quit cold turkey on the flavored drinks. I indulge every once in awhile, but most of my day is spent drinking water. It isn't really a concious decision anymore, I just seem to find myself walking to the sink or reaching for the bottled water. You should see how my friends react when I suggest they just drink water, I could swear I just grew two extra heads. Like they were appalled at the thought of drinking something with no flavor. I guess people these days needs all sorts of stuff to stimulate their taste buds.
ReplyDeleteI have heard a lot about Vitamin Water. I enjoy the drink myself, but have heard it is no better than a drinking a soda. The Vitamin benefit is negligible since it is hard to absorb and it has as much sugar as soda.
ReplyDeleteWhat Vitamin Water did do correctly though was to respond to what society wanted. Society was on an overall plan to be healthier with as little work as possible. Enter Vitamin Water, It tastes good and it has vitamins. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.
I love Vitamin Water. The pomegranate acai blueberry flavor is amazing. As for the vitamins within the drink, its nice to have all of those vitamins added to a drink but your liver has a lot of difficulty breaking down supplements rather then natural vitamins from different foods we consume. As for the sugar content, that is just fine, our brain requires sugar in order to function so when people worry so much about their drinks containing sugar, they worry for no reason, I would suggest cutting down on large amounts if other sugar-packed foods instead of worrying about a vitamin filled water with some sugar inside of it.